Making College Happen-The Realties of Coping With Collge Costs
by Howard Freedman
This is a unique publication that presents honest and insightful information about effectively dealing with the emotional and financial realities of making a college education possible. It will help you and your loved ones to gain a more realistic understanding of the requirements, choices, and opportunities for addressing the following areas of concern: - How to manage your emotions - Who can help you? - How to avoid your own horror stories - Is a college education worth it? - How to make the most of your campus visits - The pros and cons of investments - How financial aid forms work - Ways to land a scholarship - How to understand different loans - How to appeal a financial aid award - How to benefit from tax relief and loan forgiveness programs Howard R. Freedman has been a financial aid consultant and president of Financial Aid Consulting for over a decade helping to make college affordable for students from all economic backgrounds throughout the US and Canada.
Making College Happen-The Realties of Coping With College Costs presents invaluable and insightful information about effectively dealing with the emotional and financial realities of making a college education possible. It is also a testimonial about my approach for helping others to simplify the process and minimizing their angst about making one of the most challenging and costly decisions you are likely to encounter.
Successfully meeting these challenges, takes more than completing financial aid forms. It requires effective communications, strategic planning and yes-dealing with disappointments.
Making College happen-The Realties of Coping With College Costs tackles these areas by presenting a fresh and easily understandable approach without overwhelming you. Here are just some of the many topics that will make for a more rewarding and positive journey towards making college happen.
How to manage your emotions
How to Deal With Uncertainty
Who can help you?
Why you need a financial aid consultant
How to avoid your own horror stories
Is a college education worth it?
How to make the most of your campus visits
The pros and cons of investments
How financial aid forms work
Ways to land a scholarship
How to understand different loans
How to appeal a financial aid award
How to benefit from tax relief and loan forgiveness programs.
Reader Comments 5 Star Reader Reviews
This is a must for any student planning to attend college. This book will not only give you the advantage of being prepared, but it will save you hours of torment.
Yvonne Abate-Amazon Customer
I have a very complicated family situation and this book was a gem to help guide me through the complications of financial aid and the applications. Bennett Alpert-Amazon Customer
Buying this book is like putting 15 dollars into a slot machine and hitting multiple jackpots. This will be the best 15 dollars you will ever spend.
Teri Nye-Amazon Customer
This is a unique holistic view that will help you lower stress levels and avoid costly mistakes when applying for college financial aid. As a financial advisor, I'll put it on my reference shelf and recommend my fellow advisors to do the same.
Harry Savas-Amazon Customer
This book is a manual that every parent of a high school student should read before hitting the college application crunch of senior year. As a high school teacher and a parent of three, I have seen many students and families struggle to afford staggering tuition bills. I wish I had found this book before my daughter's college search began.
Cathleen Edgar-Amazon Customer
This is one of the best books that I have come across in a long time. It gives a practical approach towards paying for college. The author has done a great job in presenting various realistic options when it comes to paying for college. It has really helped my brother and me in figuring out our options of getting through college. I loved reading it.
Ankit Madan- Amazon Customer
Could there be a more timely book for those of us struggling with insane college costs? Freedman is comprehensive, clear, fun to read. He's like your friendly wise uncle who's been working in the University Admissions office for 40 years. Spend $15 and save yourself massive headaches and (tens of) thousands of after-tax dollars!!!
Paul M-Amazon Customer
I would highly recommend this book to anyone coping with the college admissions and costing madness!! Howard is a wiz at getting things done and explaining ways to make it happen all to your advantage.
Cherie McGaughey Amazon Customer Format: Paperback